Protect the environment and create value! With our comprehensive precious metal recycling, we make optimum use of valuable resources. Whether old jewellery, industrial waste or electronic devices – we recover precious metals from almost all materials and process them for new products.
Your old jewellery is valuable! We recycle your precious metals in an environmentally friendly way and thus conserve valuable resources. Whether inherited jewellery, defective dental crowns or old gold chains – your precious metals will find a new use with us.
Save money and protect the environment! With our recycling service for industrial waste, you not only make an important contribution to environmental protection, but also secure fair compensation for your valuable waste materials.
The recovery of platinum metals is not only ecologically sensible, but also economically attractive. By reusing old materials, we conserve resources and reduce the need for new mining. At the same time, we secure a stable supply of these valuable raw materials.
With our decoating you solve several problems at once: you recover valuable precious metals, protect the environment and save costs. By returning the carrier material to the production process, you close the cycle and make an important contribution to sustainability.
By processing dross, you make an important contribution to environmental protection and at the same time safeguard your economic interests. We offer you fair compensation for your residual materials and ensure environmentally friendly disposal.
Your baths containing precious metals are more than just waste. We ensure environmentally friendly processing or disposal. In doing so, we recover valuable precious metals and protect the environment at the same time. Whether gold, silver or platinum baths – we will find the optimum solution for your needs.
Our state-of-the-art processes enable gentle separation of the target from the carrier material. You receive the cleaned carrier material back, which you can reuse without any problems. Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise.
Write us a message or call Mrs Seifert on + 49 36424 / 811-62.